Whenever you upload a data file with one of these errors:
You’ll receive a warning email that helps you find the error.
Types of errors
- Data header missing/misspelled or with blank spaces
You’ll get this error if you misspelled a data header or deleted a column.
- Invalid value for specific fields
This error occurs when you fill a field with the wrong information.
(E.g. if a field ca accept values "black" and "white" and you typed "orange", you’ll get the error.)
Custom checks
Some of the most common custom checks that can be implemented in your project are:
- Check if all the images mentioned in the data file have been uploaded to AWS
- Check if the images uploaded to AWS are valid (not corrupted)
- Check if the version of static files (.indd) matches the version of the automatic part of the project
Type of notification
There can be two kinds of notification
- Error: The process does not start until you upload a data file that passes mandatory checks. Mandatory checks can be the ones previously described in points 1 and 2. Bypassing these checks will cause the failure of the pagination process.
- Warning: The process will start, but you'll get notified of some "minor" errors. Warning messages can be related to "missing images". The process will not fail, but you will find that some images aren't inserted because the system was not able to find them.
The error/warning notification email will look similar to this one: