Update Enterprise - User Guide

Update Enterprise - User Guide

The “Update Enterprise” project allows users to automatically export a tagged InDesign file that can be used to automatically create multiple variants of it, for example, multiple languages. 

The process is composed of four main phases:
  1. Creation of tagged InDesign file and relative Excel file
  2. Preparing the data file
  3. Creation of a special InDesign containing the maximum length of the text of all variants
  4. Creation of multiple variants in InDesign and PDF format
Phases 1, 3, and 4 will take place in the AWS project folders. 

Here is a step-by-step guide on how to run the whole process from start to end.

Note that phases 1, 3, and 4 can run independently, based on your needs and It is not necessary to run all phases all the time.

1. Creation of tagged InDesign file and relative Excel file

For this part of the process, we’ll be using the folder 1-excel-indesign-tag-generator. 
In this folder, you’ll use two subfolders:

  1. indesign
  2. output
Here are the steps to obtain a tagged InDesign file with a relative data file:
  1. Upload an InDesign file to the "indesign" folder (you just need the INDD or IDML file depending on how your project has been set up).
    Check with your project manager if there are InDesign version constraints. The InDesign file that you upload can contain anything: text, images, graphics...

  2. The upload will trigger the process. You’ll receive an email when the process starts, and when the process ends. Open the link of the second email. A new tab will be opened and you will find the output files:

  3. Here you’ll find:
    1. The tagged InDesign file that needs to be downloaded (it has the suffix "_tagged")
    2. A special Excel file (.xlsx) file that needs to be downloaded (it has the suffix "_tagged")

2. Preparing the data file

Download and open the Excel file you just created. Each row corresponds to a paragraph in InDesign.
The third column contains the text, images, and shapes used in the original InDesign file.
Update the Excel file, adding a column for each desired variant. You can name them whatever you want.
We suggest copying the contents of column C into the following columns (each column corresponds to a variant) and editing it. 

Tips and notes on how to fill in the data file
  1. TEXT
    If you don't need a paragraph in a variant, leave the cell blank

    If you need a different image in a variant, you have to indicate the image name to use. Find the "id" of the image by selecting the image in the InDesign file (the tagged one). Go to "Layers" and find the image. You’ll now see that the image will have the name of the "id" number in the layers panel.

    Position yourself on the row of that "id" and in the column of the desired version in the Excel file.
    Write this in the cell:  FILE:imageFileName eg FILE:001.jpg
    Be careful, “FILE” must be all caps, do not use spaces after the semicolon, do include the extension of the file name

    Similarly to the images, it is possible to change the color of shapes. Find the shape "id" in the same way you found the image "id".
    Make sure that all the color swatches you intend to use are saves in the InDesign file in the swatches panel.
    Position yourself in the correct cell of the Excel file and write: COLOR:swatchName eg COLOR:purple
    Be careful, “COLOR” must be all caps, do not use spaces after the semicolon, make sure that the swatch name matches the one in InDesign (the system is case sensitive)

3. Creation of export with the maximum length of text

In this phase, we’ll use the folder 2-indesign-maxlentext-generatorThis process will create an InDesign file containing all the longest texts. By editing this file, you can make sure that all the text of each version will fit comfortably.

In this folder, you’ll use these subfolders:
  1. indesign 
  2. data 
  3. output
Here are the steps to obtain the max-length InDesign file:
  1. Fill in the Excel with all the variants.

  2. Upload the tagged InDesign file to the “indesign” folder. Check if there are InDesign version constraints with your project manager, or if the project supports IDML files.

  3. Upload the updated Excel file (with the various variants cols) to the “data” folder. This will trigger the start of the process.
    Make sure that the name of the data file and the name of the InDesign file match!
  4. You’ll receive an email when the process starts, and when the process ends. Open the link of the second email in order to reach the output folder.
    Here you’ll find:
    1. The tagged InDesign file containing the longest text for each tag (it has the suffix "_MaxLenghtText")
    2. The Excel file you compiled with the variants, renamed (it has the suffix "_MaxLenghtText")

  5. Download these files.
    Edit the text frames in the InDesign file so that there is no overset text.

  6. Save the InDesign file and create a package with fonts and links.

4. Creation of multiple variants

For this part of the process, we’ll be using the folder 3-variants-generator
In this folder, you’ll use these subfolders:
  1. indesign 
    1. Document Fonts
    2. Links
  2. data 
  3. output
Here are the steps to export all the desired variants:
  1. Upload the last tagged InDesign file you edited (the one with MaxLenText content) to the “indesign” folder.
    Check if there are InDesign version constraints with your project manager, or if the project supports IDML files.

  2. Upload the document fonts to the "Document Fonts" folder.
    Tip: just upload the contents of the InDesign package you have exported in the previous phase.

  3. Upload all the assets (images, vector files, and so on) needed for each variant (you can have different images for each variant) to the “Links” folder.

  4. Upload the Excel file with the variants to the “data” folder. This will trigger the start of the process.
    You can use the Excel file exported in the previous phase, whose name already match with the InDesign's one.
    Make sure that the name of the data file and the name of the InDesign file match!

  5. You’ll receive an email when the process starts, and when the process ends. Click on the link in the second email. A new tab will be opened and you will find the output files:
    1. An InDesign file for each variant
    2. A PDF file for each variant*
* The type of outputs have to be discussed with your project manager

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